Monday, January 9, 2012


Well Hello to everyone in America....Mostly the family:)
   How is everyone? hows the weather in Utah? its gotten really cold in Norway and i think winter is finaly going to hit!! its -7c right now! we have got snow almost everyother day and its just getting icy and driving is horrible! to show you or tell you a little story we have a huge hill we have to go down to the side of our house so its like a flat road and then you turn down a big hill. so the turn to go down is kinda hidden and as we turn its completely ice and i look down the road and about 50 ft ahead of me is this gorgeous volvo v60 turned sideways taking up the whole road! im sliding and have not choice to hit her....horrible right? well good thing thats what my comp would have done but being a great driver i knew one other option which was....BUSHES! so neither car got hurt i asked her if she needed some help and got her down the hill but now we have to walk up a huge hill of ice...falling and army crawling up the street:) so yes its getting quite cold in norway!!
   well what do i have to say today? well this past week has been quite challenging and if you wanted to look at it from a stand point of numbers....ya you would think we have been doing nothing! we actually have been trying alot of other ideas to help keep us busy and be working effectlively! even though numbers may look bad we also got to baptismal dates that we are working with for two girls:) They both are quite positive and i hope all will go well for my comp and his new companion here in Moss! We have planned a great week together and i am sure as long as they keep working with them that all will go well! as far as contacting goes...we did it this week and everytime we went out it was just pointless i dont know where everyone is but i think we talked to a total of about 10 people and got 3 teaches out of that and those three teaches happened all in one day so we found better ways:) we had a ward christmas party...yes again because in norway they celebrate something called Juletrefesten! so people dont set up their tree until christmas eve and then they celebrate chirstmas and new years and then this holiday and its basically another Chistmas! i heard i am on face book dancing around the tree and singing so i have no idea but you all hold hands and have multiple cirlcles around the tree and sing hilarious songs:) we had a great turn out of investigators come and the lady we have been painting at came and had a great time:) so we did alot this week but number wise not that they really matter but they do make you feel good sometimes:) but the numbers i got this week will be a GREAT week where i will be transferred to soon on wednesday! ill give you a hint its no where close to Moss....its actually all the way in the north... its right above the artic its going to be super cold! ITS CALLED MO I RANA:) its actually only been open for 4 or 6 months now! its an area that was closed for years! so my new companion will actually be someone i know quite well....his name is ELDSTE JOHNSON who actually came here with our mtc group so we are way good friends!:) for you to understand they send missionaries who have been in the land for usually a year or 1 1/2 years because its a new dialect its north and its just not at all normal to go there! both of us have been here for a little over 4 months but i am so excited and so ready! i wont lie saying good bye to most people yesterday was soso hard but non of them were surprised that i was going some place like Mo I Rana! i have grown so close to the people here in Moss and i want to be able to come back here and see them after the mission and see them! i am so thankful for the time ihave spent in moss and i have learned so much and even though i never got a baptism i know i strengthened this area along with the members! So you have me at the top of the world and my other best friend at the bottom of the world! he is in the heat andi am getting packed full of cold snow;:)
  well i am so thankful for all your prayers and i truly have ffelt them lately! one of the ladies we committed to baptism is an investigator i have taught many times but dropped her last transfer and teaching her for that last time...i felt the spirit so strong and never before have i asked someone to be baptized 5 times in one teach and to have her start working towards something! its was one of the most spiritual times i will admit! its truly a better expirance with members and that is something i will miss because Mo is a place that has 7 members and thats with the missionaries... its a rented out building and i dont know to much but i am so excited to go there and to make a differnce and to show my own commitment to the lord! i know this gospel is true and i know the truthfulness of prayer and how it works! when serving with someone who is almost as young as you, you find out how much the lord has blessed you and to my own humility and not being able to speak great but putting in the effort everyday to pull out note cards and totry to learn as often as possible! i have a way better understanding now and i can usually understand everything most times there are still times i have no idea but its truly incredible and for anyone wondering the GIFT OF TONGUES is so sosososo REAL! i am so thankful for the support i get at home from family and friends and ward members! i truly know that we have a father in heaven that wants all of us to come back to him! he loves us and as we strive to come back to him he will bless us and help us grow! yes that means challenges but i am so thankful for my own challenges to make me grow and be a better misjonary! i love the book of mormon and i know its true and that joeseph smith was a prophet and that we have a prophet on earth today:) i love you and i hope all is well i miss you all:) love you and have a great week!! pray for me i need it! i leave at 530 from the center to the airport!!

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