Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane!

well what an exciting week this has been and i am not sure what this letter will contain! i feel that there is not that much to write about but on the other hand who knows! well on bummer is that we are supposed to have a general authority about every six weeks in the mtc like on of the 12 or something and i wont get to have that chance because july and august i guess is their months off or something of the matter but anywho we have had some great people speak to us! there is always something i can get out of each message and the last two have been super strong and have really stuck out to me on being the best missionary i can be and by being obediant! i have been so blessed everyweek for my complete obediance and in everyway i receive more blessings and the ones i hope for most is the spirit and the gift of tongues of course!:) and that has been such a testimony builder! The mtc is such a great place and it makes you grow so much and its weird to think i have been here for 7 weeks and i leave on monday!! time literally has flown by with out even noticing it and i am so ready for norway! i dont care if i can not understand anything but i feel like i will get most of what they say! in TRC everyweek we teach people who have returned from missions or some that are natives and what not and the missionary we teach ( or try to teach because he is the hardest to understand and we want to understand it) is brother derdan and i love teaching him it is so crazy to listen to his voice sing up and down in crazy tone and fall! how i am so excited to leave to norway and get that feeling of what in the world kind of language is this? but no matter how hard it will be the best because i myself have the spirit with me and the spirit will losen my tongue so the words will flow in some kind of way hopefully enough to understand hahah!
    Well i am guessing you are wanting to know when i fly out..... i think i will leave you hanging andi will write you next week.........
Nah im kidding! so we leave on monday at 8am to the airport but yet we have not been notified about visa's? so hopefully all is well! so anyway we get on the airplane around 11 and our fist destination will be to chicago and we have a two hour layover there i believe and then we will fly to london and have a 30 minute delay at the most probably and then to norway and we will arrive 24 hours later then next day on tuesday so that is a straight 16 hours of travel and 8 hours of time change and i can feel the exhaustion already! so be expecting a call when ever i get to an airport and talk and tell you what the plans are:) seeing the travel plans made everyone in my district so so happy and we were overwhelmed with joy! we celbrated with the sweeds of course they are like our best friends and found out we will not be traveling with them at all and we all had some tears and talked and everything but later that night we celebrated in our dorms with chips and salsa and a bunch of candy to make us all happy! i cant wait for the time that i can bring all the people from the sweeds to our house and you can meet all of them because they are so great and one of them actually lives pretty close to jen in AZ so when ever we go down there i will have to have him come over! flight plans are basically the best part of the week! it just made everyone so happy and joyful and very humble!1
   Well this week has been exciting and the language is deffinatly increasing everyday and lately i have had the oppurtunity to learn the law of chastity and to teach it to both of my investigaters and they both actually went really well! we found out the past of one of our invertigaters and it was so sad to hear and it will be even harder in norway when it will be reall! i mean our investigaters are real people that were taught but wow it will be so much of a testimony builder! i also learned the word of wisdom and i am working on the law of tithing right now! i love seeing people progress and i cant wait for the actuallity of it in norway! they are in need of it most right now and i heard it is becoming a booming place and baptisms have gone up a little bit! i will tell you that i will deffinatly miss the temple but other oppertunities await me! I AM READY TO GO TO NORWAY!
   i hope everyone has been receiving my letters and all is well! i have sent a couple letters to everyone who has written me back so hopefully you have gotten them if not....sorry? haha! i love you all so much and thanks for the packages mom! i am so glad to here that all is well at home and i hope school is starting out well for everyone! dont forget to go visit mom and dad! they need company just as much as you do! cant wait to here from everyone and i hope that everyone is staying strong and keeping up all there covenents! i read a scripture today and it helped remind me of how great they are! mosiah 5:7-9!
   I love thiis gospel with all my heart and i am now completly devoted with all my soul! i am so blessed here at the mtc and i will never forget all the experiances that i have had here! i love mission work and it has already blessed my life so much! i am so thankfull for jesus christ and the role he has played so we can return to live with him someday! i know the scriptures are true even though they are hard to understand in norwegian i work on them everyday! i know i am loved by my heavenly father and that we will see him again! i know that the gift of tongues is real! i want everyone to know i love this gospel! the lord lives!!

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